Creating AFNI Datasets with Program to3d
¥to3d reads image files -- each containing 1 or more 2D slices -- and assembles them into AFNI datasets
¥The collection of all the 2D slice data forms the .BRIK file
HAn AFNI dataset can contain a single slice
¥You must also provide to3d with some auxiliary data (for the .HEAD file):
HOrientation of slices in space
HSize of slices or of the voxels
HSlice offset -- where is the dataset volume located in space?
HFor 3D+time datasets, you also need slice timing information
Hto3d ÔknowsÕ how to get some of this auxiliary information from image file headers for some image file formats:
åANALYZE 7.5 .hdr/.img pairs contain voxel size information
åSiemens .ima Files contain voxel size and orientation information
åGE I. Files contain voxel size and orientation information
åDICOM Files contain lots of relevant information
íBut manufacturersÕ variations on DICOM are frustrating