¥To set dataset geometrical
size/location, experiment log sheet is essential
¥Screen shot above shows
setting slice thickness to 1.2 mm
HDefault Field of
view (FOV) of 240 mm is correct for these images
HThe default voxel
geometry is ÒcubicalÓ, which is incorrect for this example
HMust set geometry to
ÒsquareÓ (x size = y size, z size different)
HThen set Òz voxel
sizeÓ to correct value (by typing in box)
¥Screen shot shows setting of
first slice to 70.0 mm in Left (L) direction
HDefault is that
slices are centered in the magnet
HThis default is
usually not the case in the z direction
HClick Òz axis
centeredÓ off
HEnter offset (here
70.0 mm) into the Òz originÓ box