¥Geometry parent lets you copy
the geometry data from a pre-existing dataset and apply it to the
dataset now under construction
HEnter name of
pre-existing dataset into [Copy geometry of this dataset]
åIf in another
directory, you must include that in the filename
HWhen you press
ÔEnterÕ or move the cursor from the text-entry field, to3d tries to read geometry
parent dataset header
HIf geometry parent
has same spatial dimensions as current dataset, all geometry fields will be
filled out
not affect the time fields, which must still be set using -time:zt or -time:tz
on the command line
HGeometry parent very
useful when constructing multiple EPI datasets from a single scanning
¥Using to3d in command line mode
HYou can specify all
needed inputs to to3d by using command line options
åFor a full list of
options, type to3d
HIf enough
information is present on command line to define a dataset, then the GUI will not be
opened, and the dataset will be written to disk
åIf the
command line is incomplete, then the GUI will be opened