¥Class exmaple - Writing anat
(Underlay) datasets to disk:
²You can use [Define Datamode] Þ Write Þ [ULay] to
write the current anatomical dataset .BRIK out at the current grid spacing (cubical voxels), using the current anatomical interpolation
²After that, [View ULay Data Brick] will become available
åls Þ to view
newly created .BRIK files in the demo_tlrc/
Ø anat+acpc.HEAD anat+acpc.BRIK
Ø anat+tlrc.HEAD anat+tlrc.BRIK
¥Class exmaple - Writing func (Overlay) datasets to disk:
²You can use [Define Datamode] Þ Write Þ [OLay] to
write the current functional dataset .HEAD and BRIK files into our demo_tlrc/ directory
²After that, [View OLay Data Brick] will become available
åls Þ to view
newly resampled func files in our demo_tlrc/ directory:
Ø func_slim+acpc.HEAD func_slim+acpc.BRIK
Ø func_slim+tlrc.HEAD func_slim+tlrc.BRIK