²3D viewing angles:
åRoll      =   angle about I-S axis
åPitch    =   angle about L-R axis (after roll rotation)
åYaw     =   angle about A-P axis (after roll and pitch)
²Rendering is CPU and memory intensive --- a fast computer is very desirable
¥Utility program 3dIntracranial can be used to strip the scalp off of a T1-weighted anatomical volume.  In some cases, this may need to be done with the orig dataset, which may then be written out in Talairach coordinates.
²For example:
²3dIntracranial -anat anat+tlrc -prefix astrip
¥AFNI can now render datasets that are stored with an arbitrary orientation and voxel size
²Datasets are internally re-oriented (see 3dresample) to axial slice order, so that cut directions make sense.  This may take a few seconds, depending on the computer.
²Note that axial slice order is the standard for ÔwarpedÕ datasets written out to disk in +acpc or +tlrc coordinates.
²The Overlay dataset may also be resampled, so that its grid spacing matches that of the Underlay dataset.