¥In Talairach view, open the rendering plugin, and choose astrip+tlrc as the underlay dataset
²Plugin will load the voxel values, build the histogram, and then be ready to render
åPress Draw to make your first image
²Press Accumulate, then DynaDraw, then Roll t a few times
åWill generate renderings from different angles (i.e., lines of sight)
ØIf DynaDraw is off, then you must press Draw to get a new rendering
å Accumulate on Þ rendered images are saved, and can be reviewed by using the image viewer slider
ØThis slider does not move you through slices, as it does in the 2D image viewing windows
ØIt just moves you backward and forward in the history of saved rendered images
ØIf you turn Accumulate off, then creating the next rendered image will erase the history
ØBy default, the pluginÕs controls (ÔwidgetsÕ) do not change as you move around in the rendering history
ØSelecting ScriptˆLoad widgets will make the widgets display the settings they had when the currently displayed image was rendered