¥Controlling the mappings from voxel value to brightness and opacity:
²Probably want to make white matter be fully white.
²Drag #3 Brightness handle up to top, over to white matter value
²Probably want to reduce Opacity to 0 for all low intensity voxels.
²Drag #2 Opacity handle to bottom, over to histogram trough value
åThen press Draw to force a re-rendering
Values below ÒBotÓ are equivalent to ÒBotÓ
Values above ÒTopÓ are equivalent to ÒTopÓ
Gray and White matter peaks for this SPGR dataset
Crv Þ curve between handles
# Þ changes number of handles
Line Þ restore straight line map
ÔHandlesÕ that let you change the shape of the mapping functions
Horizontal axes correspond to voxel values between ÒBotÓ and ÒTopÓ