²Most cutout types are controlled by a single numerical parameter determining the position of the cutout
å Right of ÕxÕ means to cut out all voxels to the right of the given x-coordinates (-x is Right, +x is Left)
ØSimilarly, can cutout everything Anterior to, Posterior to, or Superior to, Inferior to, or Left of a given coordinate position
å BehindÉ, BelowÉ, FrontÉ, AboveÉ cut out 45o diagonally slanted half-spaces, with respect to the listed planes:
ØFor example, Above AS-PI is above a plane
Øthat slants from the Anterior-Superior front
Øof the brain downwards to the Posterior-
ØInferior back of the brain -- that is, halfway
Øbetween a coronal and axial slice

å TT Ellipsoid cuts out the region outside an ellipsoid                           with the same proportions as the Talairach-Tournoux                             Atlas brain
å      This is fun, but not much use