ĄMost image registration methods make 3 algorithmic choices:
˛How to measure mismatch E (for error) between I(T[x]) and J(x)?
˛How to adjust parameters of T[x] to minimize E?
˛How to interpolate I(T[x]) to the J(x) grid?
ĺSo can compare voxel intensities directly
ĄExisting AFNI programs match images by grayscale (intensity) values
˛ E = (weighted) sum of squares differences = Sx w(x) á {I(T[x]) - J(x)}2
ĺOnly useful for registering Ôlike imagesŐ:
˛Parameters in T[x] are adjusted by Ňgradient descentÓ
˛Several interpolation methods are available:
ĺDefault method is Fourier interpolation
ĺPolynomials of order 1, 3, 5, 7 (linear, cubic, quintic, and heptic)
ĄAlternative method would be to match features computed from grayscale images:
˛Brain outline
˛Edges (places where image intensity changes abruptly in 1-2 pixels)
˛Such techniques can be used to match SPGREPI volumes
ĺProgram 3dAnatNudge can estimate SPGREPI translations
ĺBut not rotations or warping