¥Step 1: Load a dataset to be edited (for ROI creation):
H [Choose Dataset] button gives you a list of datasets that
Actually have brick data with only one sub-brick;
å(b) Are at the same voxel
dimension, grid size, etc., as current anat underlay
HWhen you are starting, you probably donÕt want to edit
an existing dataset -- i.e., you donÕt want to write on the underlay itself;
you just want to use it as a template and
draw on a blank overlay that shares the same geometry as that existing underlay dataset
åTo do this, you must create an all-zero copy of the
anatomical underlay (by ÒcopyÓ we mean the
all-zero dataset shares the same geometry as the underlay, not the same voxel data values)
åTo create an all-zero copy, click the [Copy] button on (from the Draw Dataset plugin GUI) and set the controls to its right to [Zero] and [As Is] (the [Func] button is a
relic of the program and is now obsolete --
í [Data] would make a copy of the underlay dataset with the
actual voxel data values. [Zero] copies the geometry of underlay, but gives each voxel a data value of zero (this latter option is
usually want you want when starting out)