å-mrange 1 4: in this example, our mask dataset ROI_fred+tlrc has four ROIs draw
within it. This option tells the
program to take those 4 ROIs and
compute an overall average (collapsed across ROIs) for each voxel that falls within the ROIs
í The exact
numbers to average is determined by the sub-bricks (#2, #5, #7) specified in our functional dataset, fred+tlrc
åAdd the -q option to the above command line to suppress the voxel count printout (in this example, -q suppresses Ò[137
voxels]Ó from appearing in the shell
íE.g., 44.287
§ 27.021
§ -33.22
íThis way you can copy and paste the single column of
averages to a 1D (i.e., text) file for later use in AFNI
åInstead of having
the results of 3dmaskave spewed into the shell, you can redirect ( >
)the results into a text file and save them for later use:
å 3dmaskave -mask ROI_fred+tlrc
-mrange 1 4 -q
å `func_fred+tlrc[2,5,7]`
> fred_func_ROI1-4.1D