Using the Drawing Plugin
things to remember:
should have [See OverLay] turned on, and be
viewing the same overlay dataset in AFNI as you are editing
you wonÕt see anything when you edit!
drawing, you are putting numbers into a dataset brick
numbers are written to disk only when you do [Save], [SaveAs] or [Done]; before then, you can
[Quit] (or exit AFNI) to get
the unedited dataset back
How to copy dataset when ÒCopyÓ button is active:
Copy data, or fill with zero
Change datum, or change voxel datum
Color to display while drawing
Fill between drawing planes
Choose TT Atlas Region
Actually load TT Atlas Region
Save edits & continue editing
Save edits into new dataset
Done =
Save & Quit
How to draw into dataset voxels:
Data being edited now
Edit new dataset
Edit copy of dataset?
Value given to ROI voxels
Undo or Redo edits
Exit without saving edits