¥Step 1: creation of random stimulus functions
_RSFgen : Random Stimulus
Function generator
_command file: c01.RSFgen
" RSFgen -nt 300 -num_stimts 3 \
" -nreps 1 50 -nreps 2 50 -nreps
3 50 \
_ -seed
1234568 -prefix RSF.stim.001.
_This creates 3 stimulus timing files:
" RSF.stim.001.1.1D RSF.stim.001.2.1D RSF.stim.001.3.1D
¥Step 2: create ideal response functions (linear
regression case)
_waver: creates waveforms from stimulus timing files
doing convolution
_command file: c02.waver
_ waver
-GAM -dt 1.0 -input RSF.stim.001.1.1D
_this will output (to the terminal window) the ideal response function,
_ convolving the Gamma variate function with the stimulus
timing function
_output length allows for stimulus at last TR (= 300 + 13, in this
_use '1dplot' to view these results, command: 1dplot