¥Multicollinearity Problem
_3dDeconvolve Error: Improper X
matrix (cannot invert XÕX)
_XÕX is singular (not invertible) ↔ at least one column of X is linearly dependent on the other columns
_normal equation has
no unique solution
_Simple regression
"mistakenly provided at least two identical regressor
files, or some inclusive regressors, in 3dDeconvolve
"all regressiors have to be orthogonal (exclusive) with
each other
"easy to fix: use 1dplot to
"mistakenly provided at least two identical stimulus
files, or some inclusive stimuli, in 3dDeconvolve
Ø easy to fix: use 1dplot to diagnose
"intrinsic problem of experiment design: lack of
randomness in the stimuli
Øvarying number of lags may or may not help.
Ørunning RSFgen can help to avoid this
_see AFNI_data1/ht03/bad_stim/c20.bad_stim