¥So are these results
A: h[ 0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0010
stim B: h[ 0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0009
stim C: h[ 0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0011
GLT #1: LC[0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0013
GLT #2: LC[0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0012
GLT #3: LC[0] norm. std. dev. = 0.0013
¥And repeatÉ see the script: AFNI_data1/ht03/@stim_analyze
_review the script details:
"100 iterations, incrementing random seed, storing results
in separate files
"only the random number seed changes over the
_execute the script via command: ./@stim_analyze
_"best" result: iteration 039 gives
the minimum sum of the 3 GLTs, among all 100 random designs (see file stim_results/LC_sums)
_the 3dDeconvolve output is in stim_results/3dD.nodata.039
¥Recall the Goal: to design an
effective random stimulus presentation (while preserving statistical
_Solution: the files stim_results/RSF.stim.039.*.1D
"RSF.stim.039.1.1D RSF.stim.039.2.1D RSF.stim.039.3.1D12