¥ -glt 1
-glt_label 1 AvsT
¥ -glt 1 contrasts/contr_HvsL.txt -glt_label 2 HvsL
¥ -glt 1 contrasts/contr_ATvsHL.txt -glt_label 3 ATvsHL
¥ GLTs are General Linear Tests
¥ 3dDeconvolve provides tests for each regressor separately, but if you want to test combinations or contrasts of the
b weights in
each voxel, you need the -glt
¥ File contrasts/contr_AvsT.txt = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 (one line with 12 numbers)
¥ Goal is to test a linear combination of the b weights
H In this data, we have 12 b weights: 8 baseline parameters (2 per imaging run), which are first in the b vector, and 4 regressor magnitudes, which are from -stim_file options
H This
particular test contrasts the Actions and Tool bs
¥tests if bActionsÐ bTool ¹ 0