# make slim dataset. Too many sub-bricks in our bucket
# Use 3dbucket to slim it
down and include sub-bricks of interest only.
3dbucket -prefix
{$subj}_func_slim -fbuc {$subj}_func+orig'[125..151]'
# Remember IRF datasets
created by 3dDeconvolve?
# There are 15 time lags in
each voxel. Remove lags 0-3 and
10-15 b/c not
# interesting. Then find mean percent signal change
for lags 4-9 in each
# voxel with '3dTstat'.
# Then transform to
Talairach coordinates with 'adwarp'.
foreach cond (TM HM TP HP)
3dTstat -prefix {$subj}_{$cond}_irf_mean {$cond}irf+orig'[4..9]'
-apar {$subj}spgr+tlrc
-dpar {$subj}_{$cond}_irf_mean+orig
cd ..
# End of script!
# Take the
{$subj}_{$cond}_irf_mean+tlrc datasets and input into 3dANOVA2.