¥ The experiment analyzed here in fact is more complicated
H There are 4 related visual stimulus
H One goal is to find areas that are
differentially activated between these different
types of stimuli
H We have 4 imaging runs, 108 useful time
points each (skipping first 2 in each
run) that we will analyze together
² Already
registered and put together into dataset rall_vr+orig
H Stimulus timing files are in
subdirectory stim_files/
H Script
file waver_ht2 will create HRF models for regression:
cd stim_files
waver -dt 2.5 -GAM
-input scan1to4a.1D > scan1to4a_hrf.1D
waver -dt 2.5 -GAM
-input scan1to4t.1D > scan1to4t_hrf.1D
waver -dt 2.5 -GAM
-input scan1to4h.1D > scan1to4h_hrf.1D
waver -dt 2.5 -GAM
-input scan1to4l.1D > scan1to4l_hrf.1D
cd ..
H type
source waver_ht2 to run this script
² Might also use 1dplot to check if things are reasonable