Script for Deconvolution - 1

if ( $#argv > 0 ) then
    set subjects = ( $argv )
    set subjects = ED

# Above command will run script for all our subjects - ED, EE, EF - one after
# the other if, when we execute the script, we type: ./@analyze_ht05 ED EE EF.
# If we type ./@analyze_ht05 or tcsh @analyze_ht05, it'll run the script only
# for subject ED.  The user will then have to go back and edit the script so
# that 'set subjects' = EE and then EF, and then run the script for each subj.
foreach subj ($subjects)
    cd $subj

This script is designed to run analyses on a lot of subjects at once.  We will only analyze the ED data here.  The other subjects will be included in the Group Analysis presentation.
First step is to change to the directory that has this subjectÕs data
Loop over subjects