Script for Deconvolution - 2
# volume register and time shift our datasets, and remove the first
# two time points
foreach run ( `count -digits 1 1 10` )
   3dvolreg -verbose                   \
       -base {$subj}_r{$run}+orig'[2]' \
       -tshift 0                       \
       -prefix  {$subj}_r{$run}_vr     \

# will store run data in runs_orig directory

# smooth data with 3dmerge.

   3dmerge -1blur_rms 4                  \
           -doall                        \
           -prefix {$subj}_r{$run}_vr_bl \

End of loop over imaging runs
Lightly blur each dataset to reduce noise and increase functional overlap between runs and subjects
Image registration of each run to its #2 sub-brick
Loop over imaging runs 1..10