Script for Deconvolution - 5
# Now we can concatenate our 10 normalized runs with 3dTcat.

 3dTcat -prefix {$subj}_all_runs     \
     scaled_r1+orig scaled_r2+orig   \
     scaled_r3+orig scaled_r4+orig   \
     scaled_r5+orig scaled_r6+orig   \
     scaled_r7+orig scaled_r8+orig   \
     scaled_r9+orig scaled_r10+orig

# move unneeded run data into separate directories

mkdir runs_orig runs_temp

mv {$subj}_r*_vr* scaled* runs_temp
mv {$subj}_r* runs_orig

ÒGluingÓ the runs together, since 3dDeconvolve only operates on one input dataset at a time
Gets this stuff out of the way so that we donÕt see it when we run AFNI later