-iresp 1 TMirf -iresp 2 HMirf
-iresp 3 TPirf -iresp 4 HPirf \
-full_first -fout -tout -nobout
-polort 2
-progress 1000
-bucket {$subj}_func
¥ Output HRF (-iresp) 3D+time dataset for each stimulus class
¥ Each
of these datasets will have TR=1.0 s and have 15 time points (lags
¥ Can plot them atop each other using Dataset#N plugin
¥ -nobout =
donÕt output statistics of baseline parameters
¥ -polort 2 = use a quadratic polynomial (3 parameters) for the baseline in
each run
¥ -concat É =
use this file to indicate when each run starts
¥ -progress 1000
= display some results every 1000th voxel
¥ -bucket É =
save statistics into dataset with this prefix