Group Analysis with AFNI Programs
HMost of the material and notations are from Doug WardÕs manuals for the programs 3dttest, 3dANOVA, 3dANOVA2, 3dANOVA3, and 3dRegAna, and from Gang ChenÕs manual for 3dANOVA4
HDocumentation available with the AFNI distribution
åLots of stuff (theory, examples) therein
HSoftware and documentation files are based on these books:
åApplied Linear Statistical Models by Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner (4th edition)
åApplied Regression Analysis by Draper and Smith (3rd edition)
HGeneral steps
åSmoothing (3dmerge -1blur_fwhm)
åNormalization (3dcalc)
åDeconvolution/Regression (3dDeconvolve)
åCo-registration of individual analyses to common ÒspaceÓ (adwarp -dxyz)
åGroup analysis (3dttest, 3dANOVA, É)
åPost-analysis (AlphaSim, conjunction analyses, É)
åInterpretation and  Thinking
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