¥Overview of Statistical Testing of Group Datasets with AFNI programs
HParametric Tests:
åAssume data are normally distributed (Gaussian)
í3dttest  (paired, unpaired)
í3dANOVA (or 3dANOVA2 or 3dANOVA3)
í3dRegAna (regression, unbalanced ANOVA, ANCOVA)
í3dANOVA4 = Matlab script for one-, two-, three- and four-way ANOVA
HNon-parametric analyses:
åNo assumption of normality
åTends to be less sensitive to outliers (more robust)
í3dWilcoxon (~t-test paired)
í3dMannWhitney (~t-test unpaired)
í3dKruskalWallis (~3dANOVA)
í3dFriedman (~3dANOVA2)
íPermutation test
åLess sensitive and less flexible than parametric tests
åIn practice, seems to make little difference
íProbably because number of datasets and subjects is usually small (hard to tell if data is non-Gaussian when only have a few sample points)