¥2-Way ANOVA: test for effects of two independent factors on measurements
HThis is a fully crossed analysis: all combinations of factor levels are measured
åIn particular, if one factor is ÒsubjectÓ, then all subjects are tested in all levels of the other factor
åProgram is limited to balanced designs: Must have same number of measurements in each ÒcellÓ (combinations of factor levels)
HExample: Stimulus type for factor A and subject for factor B
åEach subject is a level within factor B (1 measurement per cell)
åThis is a fixed effect « random effect model = Òmixed effectÓ model
HExample: Stimulus type for factor A and drug treatment for factor B
åEach subject is an independent measurement for both factors, all levels
åThis is a fixed effect « fixed effect model
åIf you also want to treat subject as a separate factor, need 3dANOVA3
HExample: Stimulus type for factor A, stimulus day for factor B
åWith one fixed subject, for a longitudinal study (e.g., training between scan days)
åThis also is a fixed effect « fixed effect model
åAgain, multiple subjects could be treated as independent measurements in 3dANOVA2, or as a third factor in 3dANOVA3
see next pages
for description
of fixed and
random effects