¥Data Processing Outline
HImage registration with 3dvolreg
HImages smoothed (4 mm FWHM) with 3dmerge
HIRF for each of the 4 stimuli were obtained using 3dDeconvolve
HRegressor coefficients (IRFs) were normalized to percent signal change (using 3dcalc)
HAn average activation measure was obtained by averaging IRF amplitude from the 4th through the 10th second of the response (using 3dTstat)
åCapturing the positive blood-oxygenation level dependent response but not any post-stimulus undershoot 
åThese activation measures will be the measurements in the ANOVA table
íAfter each subjectÕs results are warped to Talairach coordinates, using adwarp program
H3dANOVA2 was carried out with:
å Factor A, fixed effects:      levels = HM, TM, HP, TP (4 types of stimuli)
å Factor B, random effects:levels = 9 subjects
å 1 measurement per cell