¥ANOVA: Which level had an
Hwhich treatment means (mi)
are 0 ?
åi.e. is the response to drug dose 3 different from 0?
åt-statistic with option -mean in 3dANOVA
åEquivalent to using 3dttest -base1 0 when there are only 2 levels
å with same sample
Hwhich treatment means are different from each other ?
åi.e. is the response to drug dose 2 different from the response to dose
3 ?
åt-statistic with option -diff in 3dANOVA
åEquivalent to using 3dttest (unpaired) when there are only 2 levels
å with same sample
Hwhich linear combination of means (contrasts) are 0 ?
åi.e. is the response to drug doses 1 and 2 different from the response
to drug doses 3 and 4?
åt-statistic with option -contr in 3dANOVA