¥Two-Way ANOVA: Tests on level
HLike with one-way ANOVA, t-statistics
are used to test for:
åfactor level means 0
ådifferences of 2 factor
level means
åContrast of multiple factor
level means
¥3dANOVA2: A test case
HMichael S. Beauchamp,
Kathryn E. Lee, James V. Haxby, and Alex Martin, fMRI Responses to Video and
Point-Light Displays of Moving Humans and Manipulable Objects, Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 15: 991-1001 (2003).
HPurpose is to study the
organization of brain responses to different types of complex visual
HData from 3 of the subjects,
and scripts to process it with AFNI programs, are available in AFNI
HowTo #5 (hands-on)
åAvailable for download at
the AFNI web site
åIf you want all the data, it
is at the FMRI Data Center at Dartmouth