¥Two-Way ANOVA
HPurpose: To test for the effects of two factors on the measurements
åi.e., drug type for factor 1 and drug dosage for factor 2
åor drug dosage for factor 1 and subject for factor 2
HSame statistics as one way ANOVA for each of the 2 factors
åfactor effect
åfactor mean, difference and contrasts
HStatistics for factor interactions
åwhen the effect of factor A depends on the level of factor B and vice-versa
HOptions for using fixed, random and mixed effect models
åFixed models:
íTesting for differences in means between factors
íHypothesis testing applies only to treatments explicitly considered.
íi.e. if dose levels of 5 mg, 15 mg and 25 mg are used for treatments, we cannot make a statement about effects of dose levels of 2 mg or 100 mg