HTests for main effects
åFixed effects:
íNull Hypothesis:       Ho :  m1. = m2. = É = ma.
åi.e. drug type (factor A) has no effect on mean response
íNull Hypothesis:       Ho :  m.1 = m.2 = É = m.a
åi.e. drug dose (factor B) has no effect on mean response
åRandom effects:
íNull Hypothesis:       Ho : sA2 = 0
å i.e. there is no extra variance caused by drug type (factor A)
íNull Hypothesis:       Ho : sB2 = 0
å i.e. there is no extra variance caused by drug dose (factor B)
HTests for interactions
åNull Hypothesis:Ho: mij + m.. - mi. - m.j = 0  for all i,j
HEach level of factor A affects all levels of B in a similar manner and vice versa. i.e. Drug dose has the same effect regardless of drug type.
åAlternative: Ha: mij + m.. - mi. - m.j ­ 0  for some i,j
Hi.e. Drug dose 2 has twice the effect for drug type 3 than for drug type 5
HF-Statistic ˆ used to test for main effects and interactions