HRead the manual first and understand what options are available.
HThink long and hard about your inferences and how youÕll manage the interactions.
HDo that before you collect the data!
HConsider collapsing one factor into another so you can use two-way ANOVA (usually with the cost of less sensitive results).
¥Four-Way ANOVA: at the door!
HInteractive mode in Matlab script
HCan run both crossed and nested (i.e. subject nested into gender) design
HHeavy duty computation: expect to take minutes to hours
HSame script for ANOVA, ANOVA2, and ANOVA3
HIncludes contrast tests across all factors
HWill try to implement more options such as ANCOVA (ANOVA plus regression with continuous covariates), unbalanced design, missing data, etc. ˆ alternative but more user-friendly approach to running 3dRegAna for ANCOVA or unbalanced design.