¥Most 3dSomething command line programs can read 1D instead of volumetric data
Ð The
"spatial" direction is down the columns (vertical).
Ð The default
is that across the rows (horizontal) is a "bucket" dimension.
ÐThe new environment variable AFNI_1D_TIME, if set to YES,
will cause the horizontal direction to be
the time axis (with TR=1).
¥This makes it possible to input .1D files to programs
that process 3D+time datasets
ÐSome files need to be transposed first -- so that the
time axis is horizontal rather than
vertical. For example, assume fred.1D is a time
series stored in a column vector.
Ð 1dtranspose fred.1D fred_q.1D
Ð 3dFourier -prefix fred_filt_q -highpass
0.1 -retrend fred_q.1D
Ð 1dtranspose fred_filt_q.1D fred_filt.1D
Ð rm -f fred_q.1D fred_file_q.1D