7/2/2004 SSCC/NIMH 11
SUMA demo
¥cd std_meshes
¥suma Ðspec All_lh_ld141.spec &
¥Open multiple viewers (ctrl+n)
¥Lock all viewers together (ctrl+u, Lock All v)
¥Turn off background (ÔbÕ)
¥Switch each viewer to a different state
Ðsurfaces from different subjects are assigned different states
¥This is a workaround lacking style. Will fix it later.
¥Click in one view and watch the cross hair jump to corresponding locations in other views
ÐAnatomical location should match, within the warping tolerance
¥Load the color file lh_ld141_smoothcol2.1D.col (ctrl+c)
ÐThis is the color file used to create the figures on the previous slides