Statistical & Scientific Computing Core

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SUrface MApping with AFNI
Surface mapping & viewing program tightly linked to AFNI
Complements AFNIÕs slice and volume rendering modes
Provides a framework for fast and user-customizable surface based analysis
Supports surface models created by:
Allows representation of sparsely defined 3D data

System requirements
Currently Running On:
Centrino, 1.4 Ghz / Linux
nVIDIA GeForce4 graphics card 64 Mb
Also Runs On:
SUN with openGL 1.2 or newer
Mac OSX with Xfree86, Motif and Mesa

Binaries for SUMA are available from:
On some machines (i.e. Linux), SUMA should be compiled locally for optimal performance.
To compile SUMA you need to have:
Motif (both libraries and header files)
Mesa (OpenGL)
AFNIÕs source code distribution
Detailed installation info for various systems:

Where do surface models come from ?
For surface based analysis:
Must create surfaces for individual subjects
Collect, align and average high-quality, high-resolution anatomical data
On NIMHÕs 3T-1, 4 MPRAGE data sets will do
Correct image non-uniformity
Using AFNIÕs 3dUniformize or the N3 normalization tool [J.G. Sled et al. 98]
Create and correct surfaces
Using FreeSurfer, SureFit or BrainVoyager
Align surface with experimental data
Using @SUMA_AlignToExperiment
Map experimental volumetric data to surface
Using AFNI and SUMA
Fame, Fortune and Fortitude for some, if not all, or none of you

Where do surface models come from ?
For display (mostly) of Talairach data:
Use the Talairach surfaces created from the N27 brain data set using FreeSurfer.
Ready to use, no surface creation or alignment needed.

Slide 11
A: Preparing surface models
     for SUMA
A: Preparing surface models for SUMA
Create the Surface Volume
SurfVol is an AFNI data set created from data used to create the surfaces.
Create the surface specifications (spec) file
The Spec file defines the relationships between the different surfaces.
Both the surface volume and the Spec file are created automatically
Using @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS for FreeSurfer surfaces
Using @SUMA_Make_Spec_SF for SureFit surfaces
At this point, surface models should be in excellent alignment with SurfVol
Use SUMA to verify alignment
Scroll through the volume to make sure surfaces are accurate
Check especially for inferior temporal and occipital areas

A: Preparing surface models for SUMA
Demo for FreeSurfer surfaces:
cd suma_demo/SurfData
This is where FreeSurferÕs directories reside
@SUMA_Make_Spec_FS -sid DemoSubj
Creates the SurfVol from the .COR files
Creates ASCII versions of  surfaces found in the surf directory
lh*.asc and rh*.asc (if rh surfaces are provided)
Creates he Spec files for the left and right hemisphere surfaces
DemoSubj_lh.spec and DemoSubj_rh.spec (if rh surfaces are provided)
afni Ðniml &
launches AFNI to allow the viewing of DemoSubj_lh.spec
the Ðniml option tells AFNI to listen to connections from SUMA
suma Ðspec DemoSubj_lh.spec Ðsv DemoSubj_SurfVol+orig
or execute the script: ./run_suma

Check for proper alignment and defects
With both SUMA and AFNI running
Press ÔtÕ in the suma window to establish a connection to AFNI and send the mapping reference surface(s).
If you open the surface volume in AFNI, you should see the surface overlaid on top of it.
Switch Underlay to DemoSubj_SurfVol+orig and open an axial view. You will see a trace of the intersection of the surface with the anatomical slices displayed.
You could also see boxes representing the nodes that are within +/- 1/2slice from the center of the slice in view.
Colors and node box visibility can be changed to suit your fancy from the Control Surface button in AFNI.
Navigate through the volume in AFNI.
make sure you have an excellent alignment between volume and surface
make sure surface adequately represents areas of the brain that are difficult to segment
occipital cortex
inferior frontal and inferior temporal regions

Check for proper alignment and defects
The Surface Volume and the surfaces must be in perfect alignment.
If you have an improper alignment, it should be addressed here.
This should not happen for FreeSurfer and SureFit surfaces created in the standard fashion.
Watch for error messages and warnings that come up in the shell as the surfaces are read in. These messages should be screened once since they do not change unless the surfaceÕs geometry or topology is changed.

Basic SUMA viewer functions
Rotating the surface:
Mouse button-1: keep it down while moving the mouse left to right. This rotates the surface about the screen's Y-axis (dotted green). Let go of button-1.
Repeat with up and down motion for rotation about X-axis and motion in various directions for rotations mimicking those of a trackball interface.
Also try up/down/left/right arrow keys.
Arrow keys rotate by increments specified by the environment variable: SUMA_ArrowRotAngle (degrees).

Basic SUMA viewer functions
Translating the surface:
Mouse button-2: keep it down while moving the mouse to translate surface along screen X and Y axes or any combinations of the two.
Also try shift+arrow keys.
Zooming in/out:
Both buttons 1&2 or Shift + button 2: while pressing buttons, move mouse down or up to zoom in and out, respectively.
Also try keyboard buttons 'Z' and 'z' for zooming in and out, respectively.

Basic SUMA viewer functions
Cardinal views:
ctrl + Left/Right: Views along LR axis
ctrl + Up/Down: Views along SI axis
ctrl + shift + Up/down: Views along AP axis
Resetting the view point:
Press Home to get back to the original vantage point.
Using momentum feature:
Press ÔmÕ to toggle momentum on. Click the left mouse button and release the button as you are dragging the mouse.

Basic SUMA viewer functions
Picking a Node or Facet:
Mouse button 3: press over a location on a surface to pick the closest facet and node to the location of the pointer.
The closest node is highlighted with a blue sphere
The closest facet is highlighted with a gray triangle
Note the information written to the shell regarding the properties of the picked Node and Facet.
When connected to AFNI (after having pressed ÔtÕ), watch the AFNI crosshair jump to the corresponding location in the volume.
Conversely, position the crosshair in AFNI (left click) at a position close to the surface and watch the crosshair relocate in SUMA.
You can swap button 1 & 3Õs functions using the environment variable: SUMA_SwapButtons_1_3

world §ˆAFNI §ˆ SUMA §ˆ world
AFNI and SUMA are independent programs and communicate using NIML formatted data elements
via shared memory if both programs are on the same computer
via network sockets otherwise
Both AFNI and SUMA can also communicate with other programs
NIML: NeuroImaging Markup Language developed by Dr. R.W. Cox
NIML will be the main format for SUMAÕs data storage.
NIML API library for packing/unpacking data is available and documented.
Communication protocol allows any independent program to communicate with AFNI.
Advantages include:
Programs execute on separate machines
Fast development
Screen real-estate
Blemishes include:
Only one AFNI can be listening for connections
Only one SUMA can connect to AFNI

Relationships between surface models
Surface Geometry:
refers to the spatial coordinates of the nodes forming the surface model
Surface Topology:
refers to the connectivity between nodes forming the surface model
Models with different geometry but similar topology are created for each surface model.
white/grey, pial, inflated, spherical, flattened, etc.
Some modelsÕ geometries are anatomically correct
Pial and/or white matter surfaces can be used for relating to volume data.
Inflated, flattened and spherical cannot be directly linked to volume data. The link is done via their corresponding anatomically-correct surfaces.

Slide 23
Sample Spec File
Details of the Spec file:
The Spec file contains information about the surfaces that will be viewed.
Information is specified in the format: field = value.
The = sign must be preceded and followed by a space character.
# delimit comment lines, empty lines and tabs are ignored.
In addition to fields, there is also the NewSurface tag which is used to announce a new surface.
Unrecognized text will cause the program parsing Spec file to complain and exit.

Details of the Spec file:
The fields are:
Group: Usually the Subject's ID. In the current SUMA version, you can only have one group per spec file. All surfaces read by SUMA must belong to a group.
FreeSurferSurface: Name of the FreeSurfer surface.
SurfaceFormat: ASCII or BINARY
SurfaceType: FreeSurfer or SureFit
SurfaceState: Surfaces can be in different states such as inflated, flattened, etc. The label of a state is arbitrary and can be defined by the user. The set of available states must be defined with StateDef at the beginning of the Spec file.

Details of the Spec file:
The fields are:
StateDef: Used to define the various states. This must be placed before any of the surfaces are specified.
Anatomical: Used to indicate whether surface is anatomically correct (Y) or not (N).
LocalDomainParent: Name of a surface whose mesh is shared by other surfaces in the spec file.
The default for FreeSurfer surfaces is the smoothed gray matter/ white matter boundary. For SureFit it is the fiducial surface. Use SAME when the LocalDomainParent for a surface is the surface itself.
At the moment, only surfaces that are a Domain Parent are sent to AFNI. In the very near future, Anatomically Correct surfaces will be sent to AFNI regardless of their Domain Parent.
A node-to-node correspondence is maintained across surfaces sharing the same domain parent.
EmbedDimension: Embedding Dimension of the surface, 2 for surfaces in the flattened state, 3 for other.

Viewing the group of surfaces
Switch Viewing States:
'.' switches to the next viewing state (pial then inflated etc.)
',' switches to the previous viewing state
Navigate on any of the surfaces and watch AFNIÕs crosshair  track surface
SPACE toggles between current state and Mapping Reference state
Viewing multiple states concurrently:
Ôctrl+nÕ opens a new SUMA controller (up to 6 allowed, more possible but ridiculous)
switch states in any of the viewers
all viewers are still connected to AFNI

Viewing the group of surfaces
Controlling link between viewers:
Open SUMA controller with Ôctrl+uÕ or  View->SUMA Controller
SUMA controller crosshair locking options:
 Ô-Õ: no locking
ÔiÕ: node index locking (i.e. topology based)
ÔcÕ: node coordinate locking (i.e. geometry based)
SUMA controller view point locking
ÔvÕ: depress toggle button to link view point across viewers.
Surface rotation and translation in one viewer is reflected in all linked viewers

B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
Surface Volume is aligned to experimentÕs anatomical volume with 3dvolreg
Brain coverage and image types should be comparable, not necessarily identical
If alignment with 3dvolreg is inadequate, try 3dTagalign
Functional data are assumed to be in register with experimentÕs anatomical
If alignment is poor, try 3dAnatNudge or Nudge Dataset plugin
Functional data are not interpolated

B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
Demo: (close previous SUMA and AFNI sessions)
cd suma_demo/afni
DemoSubj_spgrax+orig (experimentÕs high-res. anatomical scan)
DemoSubj_EccExpavir+orig & DemoSubj_EccExpavir.DEL+orig (EPI anat. & func.)
@SUMA_AlignToExperiment DemoSubj_spgrsa+orig ../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_SurfVol+orig
This script will use 3dvolreg to align the experimentÕs anatomical volume to the Surface Volume.
The script will take care of resampling (with 3dresample) the experimentÕs anatomical volume to match the Surface Volume if need be.
The output volume is named with the prefix of the Surface Volume with the suffix _Alnd_Exp (read Aligned to Experiment).
continue next slideÉ

Slide 33
B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
Demo (continued) :
Open the same views in both controllers (say Axial).
Click in one view and check if crosshair in other view points to a similar location.
Note how despite the difference in scan pulse sequence, SNR, and coverage, the alignment is pretty good.
average of 4 MPRAGE for surface model (~40 min at 3T)
one SPGR for experiment anatomy (~5 min at 3T)
Since DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig is now aligned with the experimentÕs data and is of a superior quality, you should consider using it as your anatomical underlay.
Close controller B.

B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
Demo (continued):
suma Ðspec ../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec Ðsv DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig
or execute the script: ./run_suma
launching SUMA to make sure surface alignment is OK
ÔtÕ to talk to AFNI
You should see a surface overlaid onto DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig data set.
Alignment should be proper, otherwise you have a problem.

C: Mapping FMRI Data Onto Surface
C: Mapping FMRI Data Onto Surface
Interactive mapping is done by AFNI
Mapping is done by intersecting Mapping Reference surface (the one sent to AFNI by SUMA) with the overlay data volume.
Nodes inside a functional voxel receive that voxelÕs color
Demo (continued):
Switch Overlay to DemoSubj_EccExpavir.DEL
Define Overlay with:
Olay: Delay
Thr: Corr. Coef.
Pos. color mapping
#20 color map
See Function
You should see the function on the surface model in SUMA.
The colors are applied to all topologically related surfaces
NOTE: Only AFNI controller A sends function back to SUMA
Change threshold in AFNI and watch change  in SUMA

Sample FMRI data: Eccentricity Mapping
Scan Parameters:
EPI: NIH-EPI, TR=2sec, 17 Coronal Slices, 134 samples, 3.75 x 3.75 x 4 mm
Anat: SPGR, 0.94 x 0.94 x 1.1, 120 axial slices
Stimulus Timing:
Activation delay estimated with 3ddelay
Rotate color map in AFNI and watch changes in SUMA
note how colors progress along the calcarine sulcus
try the dance on inflated and spherical surfaces

C: Mapping FMRI data onto surface
The problem with intersection mapping
Only voxels intersecting the surface are mapped.
Can use Pial surface for Mapping Reference instead of SmoothWm.
Other mapping methods
using 3dVol2Surf by Rick R. Reynolds
mapping based on intersection of cortical
    sheet (all of gray matter) with volume

Mapping options
Surface/volume Intersection
One voxel per node

Slide 41
Options for 3dVol2Surf example
-spec: SUMA spec file containing surface(s) to be used in mapping.
-surf_A (-surf_B): Surface(s) to be used in the mapping.
 3dVol2Surf uses one or two surfaces for the mapping.
-sv: Surface Volume used to align surface to data
-grid_parent: AFNI volume containing data to be mapped. DataVol contains 4 sub-bricks with the last one being the threshold.
-cmask: Option for masking data in DataVol. Threshold value was 0.5 using the cross correlation coefficients.
-map_func: Method for handling multiple voxel to one node mapping
-oom_value -1 : Assign -1 to nodes in inactive voxels
-oob_value -2: Assign -2 to nodes that fall outside data coverage
-out_1D: Output data set file
Use Ðhelp option for detailed help (~500 lines)

Results: Volume ˆ Surface
Surface-based Datasets (Dsets)
These data sets form matrices with one column representing the node index (ni, a.k.a node id) followed by p values (i_val. 1 É i_val. p) associated with each node.
Those p values can potentially be any assortment of parameters, though some dataset formats will be limited.
In some instances, the node index column may be missing and the nodeÕs index is assumed to be equal to the row index.
Unlike its volumetric counterpart, the domain over which the data are defined is not implicitly defined in the dataset.
Such a dataset alone cannot be visualized without specifying its surface domain (location and connectivity of the nodes).
Dsets can be colorized (mapped to a colormap) offline using ScaleToMap (the olde way) or interactively (the in way) using SUMAÕs Surface Controller interface.
A colorized data set is called a Òcolor planeÓ.

Colorizing Results Interactively
Demo (continued):
In SUMA, press Ôctrl+sÕ to open Surface Controller.
Use ViewˆSurface Controller if you were born after 1981.

Colorizing results interactively
Demo (continued):
Press ÒLoad DsetÓ and read in Òout_Del.1D.dsetÓ
SUMA will colorize the loaded Dset (create a color plane for Dset) and display it on the top of pre-existing color planes.
Set Ô1 OnlyÕ in Dset Controls panel (more later)
We begin by describing the right side block ÒDset MappingÓ which is used to colorize a Dset. Many of the options mimic those in AFNIÕs Òdefine OverLayÓ controls.
Many features are not mentioned here. See online docs. and BHelp.
From the Dset Mapping block (right side of interface)
Select column 6 (6:numeric) for Intensity (I)
Values from column 6 will get mapped to the colorbar
Select column 8 for Threshold (T)
Press ÔvÕ button to apply thresholding
Use scale to set the threshold. Nodes whose value in col. 8 does not pass the threshold will not get colored
Why do we see no difference when threshold is between 0 and 0.5?

Dset Mapping block
Demo (continued):
Mapping Parameters Table:
Used for setting the clipping ranges.
Clipping is only done for color mapping. Actual data values do not change.
Col. Min:
Minimum clip value. Clips values (v) in the Dset less than Minimum (min): if v < min then v = min
Col. Max:
Maximum clip value. Clips values (v) in the Dset larger than Maximum (max): if v > max then v = max
Row I
Intensity clipping range. Values in the intensity data that are less than Min are colored by the first (bottom) color of the colormap. Values larger than Max are mapped to the top color.
Left click locks ranges from automatic resetting.
Right click resets values to full range in data.

Dset Mapping block
Slide 49
Dset Mapping block
Demo (continued):
Toggle Absolute thresholding.
OFF: Mask node color for nodes that have:
T(n) < Tscale
ON:  Mask node color for nodes that have:
| T(n) | < Tscale
where: Tscale is the value set by the threshold scale.
T(n) is the value in the selected threshold column (T).
sym I:
Toggle Intensity range symmetry about 0.
ON : Intensity clipping range is forced to go from  -val to val . This allows you to mimic AFNI's ranging mode.
OFF: Intensity clipping range can be set to your liking.
shw 0:
Toggle color masking of nodes with intensity = 0
ON : 0 intensities are mapped to the colormap as any other values.
OFF: 0 intensities are masked, a la AFNI

Dset Mapping block
Demo (continued):
Data Range Table:
Full range of values in Dset.
Right click in ÒNodeÓ columns to have cross hair jump to that nodeÕs location.

Xhair Info block
Demo (continued):
Crosshair coordinates on this controller's surface. Entering new coordinates makes the crosshair jump to that location (like 'ctrl+j').
Use 'alt+l' to center the cross hair in your viewer.
Node index of node in focus on this controller's surface. Nodes in focus are highlighted by the blue sphere in the crosshair. Entering a new node's index will put that node in focus and send the crosshair to its location (like 'j').
Node Values Table:
Data Values at node in focus
Col. Intens:  Intensity (I) value
Col. Thresh: Threshold (T) value
Col. Bright: Brightness modulation (B) value
Row. Val: Data Values at node in focus
Node Label Table:
Row. Lbl:
Color from the selected Dset at the node in focus. For the moment, only color is displayed. The plan is to display labels of various sorts here.

Dset Controls block
Dset Info Table:
Row. Lbl: Label of Dset.
Row. Par: Parent surface of Dset.
Order of Dset's colorplane. Dset with highest number is on top of the stack. Separate  stacks exits for foreground (fg:) and background planes (bg:).
Opacity of Dset's colorplane. Opaque planes have an opacity of 1, transparent planes have an opacity of 0. Opacities are used when mixing planes within the same stack  foreground (fg:) or background(bg:).
Opacity values are not applied to the first plane in a group. Consequently, if you have just one plane to work with, opacity value is meaningless.
Color mixing can be done in two ways, use F7 to toggle between mixing modes.

Dset Controls block
 Dimming factor to apply to colormap before mapping the intensity (I) data. The colormap, if displayed on the right, is not visibly affected by Dim but the colors mapped onto the surface are.
For RGB Dsets (.col files), Dim is applied to the RGB colors directly.
View (ON)/Hide Dset node colors.
1 Only:
If ON, view only the selected DsetÕs colors. No mixing of colors in the foreground stack is done.
If OFF, mix the color planes in the foreground stack.
This option makes it easy to view one DsetÕs colors at a time without having to worry about color mixing, opacity, and stacking order.
Needless to say, options such as ÔOrd:Õ and ÔOpa:Õ in this panel are of little use when this button is ON.

Colorizing results with ScaleToMap:
This step is no longer necessary with SUMAÕs new interface for colorizing data.
In the old days, ScaleToMap was the only way for getting node-based results into SUMA
Execute: source run_ScaleToMap
ScaleToMap     -input   out_Del.1D.dset  0  6         \
              -cmap    afni_p20                \
                  -apr     30                      \
               -msk     -3.0 -0.1               \
               -nomsk_col                       \
               > out_Del.1D.col
-input : Specify the 1D format input file and the columns containing the node index and the node data
-cmap : Specify the colormap to use.
Here we are using AFNIÕs standard colormaps (positive, 20 colors).
Could use your own colormaps, see MakeColorMap
-apr: AFNI positive range value.
Scaling a la AFNI, other scaling methods that do not require 0 ˆ range or Ðrange ˆrange are also available
When data are integer valued (such as ROI datasets), you can use a direct mapping where a node with value i gets mapped to the ith color in the map.
 -msk: Mask data values in the specified range (inclusive)
-nomsk_col: Do not color masked nodes (default is a dark gray).
You can specify your own mask color
The output of ScaleToMap is to stdout, which can be redirected with Ô > Ô symbol to a text file

Viewing a color file in SUMA
A color file, such as ScaleToMapÕs output out_Del.1D.col is of the format:
#Node_Index R G B
23 0.3 0.8 0.6
127 0.8 0.91 0.12
É. É É. É
You can load it into SUMA with the ÔcÕ key or ÔLoad ColÕ
The color data is loaded into a new data set (Dset) of the type RGB. No ÒDset MappingÓ block is available for RGB Dsets.
The recently loaded Dset obscures planes below it because it has a default opacity of 1
We will discuss color plane opacity and order next.

Color overlay planes
Colorized Dsets are organized into layered color planes
2 commonly used planes are:
Surface Convexity (usually in gray scale)
AFNI Function (usually in color)
Planes are assigned to two groups
Background planes (like Convexity)
Foreground planes (like AFNI Function)
Many other planes can be added to either group.
Color planes of the same group are mixed together:
Planes are stacked based on their order and opacity.
Opacity of 1st plane does not affect color mixing.
There are 2 modes for mixing colors. See option F7 in SUMA.

Color overlay planes
Node colors displayed on surface are obtained by:
1st: mixing background planes
2nd:  mixing foreground planes
3rd: layering mixed foreground atop mixed background plane
When foreground colors overlap background colors, they either mask or get attenuated by the backgroundÕs brightness.

Layering mixed fore- & background plane
Demo (continued):
View the surface in its inflated state with AFNI function
Turn foreground plane(s) off by pressing ÔfÕ once
Now all you see is the background plane(s)
Turn background planes off by pressing ÔbÕ once
Now all you see is the No Color color on all nodes
Turn foreground plane(s) back on with ÔfÕ
Now you have foreground without background
 Turn background plane(s) back on with ÔbÕ
Now you have foreground atop background
Notice how you can still see the background underneath the foregroundÑthis is due to the background brightness attenuation of the foreground colors.
Toggle background intensity attenuation off and on with ÔaÕ and see the effect on the resultant maps.

Playing with color plane opacity
Demo (continue from inflated view with function)
Ôctrl+sÕ or View ˆ Surface Controller to open the surface controller
Turn OFF Ô1 OnlyÕ
Load in color plane lh.1D.col with ÔLoad ColÕ or ÔcÕ
This is an RGB Dset, color mapping controls are hidden
Plane is placed atop of the foreground group
Its opacity is 1 so it will obscure the functional data
Background attenuation is not affected by planeÕs opacity.
try turning it on and off again with ÔaÕ
Now lower the opacity of lh.1D.col and watch the colors from the planes below start to show through

Playing with color plane order
Demo (continue from inflated view with function)
You could put lh.1D.col below the function
Switch Color Plane to get a list of available planes
Prefixes fg: and bg: denote planeÕs group membership
Select lh.1D.col and lower its order
Select FuncAfni_0 and play with its opacity
Note: You canÕt make a plane change its group membership, yet.
You canÕt delete a loaded color plane yet, but you can hide it.
Turn Ô1 OnlyÕ ON if you just want to see the selected plane.
Find a way to flip between the mapping from AFNI and the mapping done with 3dVol2Surf before.
Appreciate the differences between the two mappings.

Recording your rendered images
Using ÔrÕ in SUMA to record the current scene.
Using ÔrÕ on the colorbar creates an image of the colorbar.
Using ÔRÕ to record continuously the rendered scene.
Images are captured by an AFNIesque viewer.
Identical consecutive images are rejected
Images caused by X expose events are ignored
Images can be saved in all ways allowed by AFNI, including MPEG and animated GIF
If you let the recorder run continuously with very large images, you might quickly run out of memory
You can save/load viewer setting used to create figure
 Use ÔFileˆSaveÕ View and ÔFileˆLoad ViewÕ

Drawing surface-based ROIs
ÔCtrl+dÕ or Tools ˆ Draw ROI to open ROI drawing tool
When in Draw ROI mode (cursor turns into target circles)
The pick (usually third) mouse button is used for drawing
Picking is done by combining shift key and pick button
If pen mode is selected (cursor turns into a pen)
Drawing and picking (with shift) are done with the 1st mouse button and rotations are done with the third button
When you draw for the first time, a new Òdrawn ROIÓ is created.
Note the Parent: field in the ROI frame is now filled

Drawing surface-based ROIs
Move the mouse to a new location and click again to draw a line from the location of the first click to a new one.
Or click while dragging the mouse to create a smoother line.
Both drawing methods might fail if you are drawing over very rough terrain.
When that happens, you continue from where the drawing stopped.
Drawing in 3D looks easy but it isnÕt.
Use Undo and Redo when you get your drawings messed up.
To close a loop you can press ÔJoinÕ button or double click

Drawing surface-based ROIs
To fill a closed loop, click inside the loop.
Note: If you have patterns that make a figure 8 jealous you might have to do multiple fills.
Press Finish when you are done drawing and have set the drawing label and value to your liking.
Now you can draw another ROI, and another and another.
Drawing can be started/continued on any of the related surfaces
When you hit ÔjoinÕ, the loop is closed using the surface where the ROI was created
Switch ROI to switch between ROIs and delete/modify them.
Load to load ROIs from file
Save to save ROIs to file
1D/Niml Format of ROI file
This/All which ROI to save into the file

Complex ROIs in NIML format
Surface ROI ˆ Volume ROI
ROIs files should be transformed to dataset files (Dset).
A dataset file has an equal number of values for each node
The way we drew the two ROIs, certain nodes belong to more than one ROI (i.e. they have more than one value)
The program ROI2dataset is used to change ROIs to datasets
Execute: source run_ROI2dataset
ROI2dataset -prefix  OccROIs.1D.dset    \
            -of      1D                 \
            -input   OccROIs.niml.roi \
-prefix: Name of output file \
-of : Output format \
-input : Name of input ROI file
Note the warning:
Warning SUMA_ROIv2dataset:
 155/2536 nodes had duplicate entries.
(ie same node part of more than 1 ROI)
Duplicate entries were eliminated.
At the moment, duplicate entries are ignored, 1st come, 1st adopted. More options could be added if you find necessary.

Surface ROI ˆ Volume ROI
Output file OccROIs.1D.dset is of the form:
124 1
125 1
2882 19
OccROIs.1D.dset can be transformed into a volume ROI with 3dSurf2Vol
Execute: source run_3dSurf2Vol
3dSurf2Vol  -spec../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec   \
            -surf_A        lh.smoothwm.asc                     \
            -surf_B        lh.pial.asc                         \
            -sv            DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig      \
            -grid_parent   DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig      \
            -map_func      max                                 \
            -f_steps       10                                  \
            -f_p1_mm -0.5  -f_pn_fr 0.5                        \
            -sdata_1D      OccROIs.1D.dset                    \
            -prefix        OccROIs
-grid_parent specifies the output volumeÕs geometric properties
-f_p1_mm, -f_pn_fr: Specify extensions on node pair segment, either in mm or fractions of segment length (both used simultaneously here for illustration)
-sdata_1D: Specify surface data file

Surface ROI ˆ Volume ROI
check your own OccROIs+orig in AFNI
Smoothing data on surface models
Data smoothing (along the surface) is done with SurfSmooth
The difficulty in smoothing lies in calculating geodesic distances between node pairs.
Smoothing can be performed by solving the diffusion equation on the surface. This can be achieved in a relatively rapid manner with an iterative algorithm (M.K. Chung et al. 2003)
Demo (close SUMA and afni)
Execute: source run_SurfSmooth_data
The script will use 3dVol2Surf to map the delay data onto the surfaces (uses slightly different options from previous example)
SUMA is then launched and the script waits for you to setup the recorder ON
Hit enter twice (in the shell) to launch the smoothing program
Watch the smoothing progress with each iteration. You can play the whole sequence at the end.

How many iterations ?
Command line:
SurfSmooth  -spec    ../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec     \
            -surf_A  lh.smoothwm.asc                           \
            -met LB_FEM                                        \
            -input out_Del2.1D'[6]'                            \
            -Niter 100                                         \
            -fwhm 8                                            \
            -add_index                                         \
            -output out_Del2_smoothed.1D -talk_suma
-met : Specifies the smoothing method.
-Niter: number of iterations
-fwhm: Full Width Half Max of filter in surface coordinate units (usually mm) of an equivalent Gaussian filter had the surface been flat. With curved surfaces, the equation used to estimate FWHM is an approximation.
The number of iterations controls the iteration step dt which must satisfy conditions that depend on the internodal distance and the spatial derivatives of the signals being filtered on the surface.
As a rule of thumb, if increasing Niter does not alter the results then your choice is fine (smoothing has converged).

Smoothing gone bad
Smoothing geometry of surface
Surface geometry smoothing can also be done with SurfSmooth
The difficulty in geometry smoothing is in preventing the surface from shrinking in size.
SurfSmooth uses the smoothing algorithm by (Taubin G. 2000)
Demo (close SUMA and AFNI)
Execute: source run_SurfSmooth_geom
The script will add noise to the smoothwm surface, then filter it
SUMA is then launched and the script waits for you to setup
Turn off background colors (ÔbÕ)
Switch to noisy surface (Ô.Õ)
Turn recorder ON
Hit enter twice (in the shell) to launch the smoothing program
Watch the smoothing progress with each iteration. You can play the whole sequence at the end.

Talairach data display, for panache
Without creating individualized surfaces, you can display data on a Talairach-ed surface model.
The surface models were created with FreeSurfer from the N27 data set.  (Holmes, CJ et al. JCAT 1998)
Anatomical volume and surfaces were Talairach-ed using AFNI and SUMA, respectively. (Surfaces created by Brenna Argall)
Demo: (close previous SUMA and AFNI sessions)
cd suma_demo/afni_tlrc
You should find Anat+tlrc and a functional data set in Talairach space
afni Ðniml &
setup function as shown in the earlier slides
suma Ðspec ../SurfData_tlrc/SUMA/lh.tlrc.spec Ðsv Anat+tlrc
start communication with AFNI
map function onto surface
appreciate the limitation of this approach
ignore the limitation and make cool pictures

Auxiliary programs
To see a list of all programs in SUMA:
 suma Ðprogs
3dSurf2Vol (by R. Reynolds)
Maps data in surface domain volumetric domain
3dVol2Surf (by R. Reynolds)
Maps data in volume domain to surface domain
CompareSurfaces (by S. Japee)
calculates the distance along the normal from one surface to the next
Converts surfaces between the different formats that SUMA can read:
Simple ASCII matrix format
PLY format
Converts surface coordinates to Talairach space
CreateIcosahedron (by B. Argall)
Creates Icosahedral meshes of varying node counts

Auxiliary programs
Outputs information about a spec file
Creates colormaps for use with AFNI
MapIcosahedron (by B. Argall)
transforms the topology of surface models to standard models without distorting the geometry (tested with FreeSurferÕs spherical mapping).
use to check for errors in topology of spherical surfaces
Creates a spec file for one or a set of surfaces (quick and dirty)
Transforms ROI files into surface data sets

Auxiliary programs
Transforms a set of node values to node colors based on chosen color map
SurfMeasures (by R. Reynolds)
Outputs node-based surface measures such as areas, volumes, thickness, surface normals, etc. etc.
Outputs other information about the surface such as the edge list, curvature, triangle areas (mostly for debugging use)
a program for filtering surface data and/or surface geometry
Creates surface patches from a set of nodes
Locates topological errors in spherical surfaces.

Getting Helped
suma Ðhelp for SUMAÕs command line usage
Ôctrl+hÕ opens a window with help for:
SUMAÕs usage when cursor is in viewer
SUMAÕs colormap usage when cursor is over colormap
BHelp provides help for most buttons in the GUI interface
SUMAÕs web site:
You can download a PDF of this one.
AFNIÕs Message Board
E-mail to
If you canÕt get help here, please get help somewhere.

Thanks to:
Brenna Argall
Shruti Japee
Rick Reynolds
Mike Beauchamp
Pat Bellgowan
Data and Documentation:
Peggy Christidis
Getting Help Somewhere:
Richard Doucette
Alex Clark
MRI Pulse Sequence and Segmentation
Hauke Heekeren
Sean Marrett