¥Data smoothing (along the
surface) is done with SurfSmooth
HThe difficulty in smoothing lies in calculating geodesic
distances between node pairs.
HSmoothing can be performed by solving the diffusion
equation on the surface. This can be achieved in
a relatively rapid manner with an iterative
algorithm (M.K. Chung et al. 2003)
¥Demo (close SUMA and afni)
HExecute: source run_SurfSmooth_data
åThe script will use 3dVol2Surf to map the delay data
onto the surfaces (uses slightly different
options from previous example)
åSUMA is then launched and the script waits for you to
setup the recorder ON
åHit enter twice (in the shell) to launch the smoothing
åWatch the smoothing progress with each iteration. You
can play the whole sequence at the end.