7/2/2004 SSCC/NIMH 32
B: Aligning Surface w/ Experiment Data
¥Demo: (close previous SUMA and AFNI sessions)
Hcd suma_demo/afni
åDemoSubj_spgrax+orig (experimentÕs high-res. anatomical scan)
åDemoSubj_EccExpavir+orig & DemoSubj_EccExpavir.DEL+orig (EPI anat. & func.)
H@SUMA_AlignToExperiment DemoSubj_spgrsa+orig ../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_SurfVol+orig
åThis script will use 3dvolreg to align the experimentÕs anatomical volume to the Surface Volume.
åThe script will take care of resampling (with 3dresample) the experimentÕs anatomical volume to match the Surface Volume if need be.
åThe output volume is named with the prefix of the Surface Volume with the suffix _Alnd_Exp (read Aligned to Experiment).
åcontinue next slideÉ