7/2/2004 SSCC/NIMH 73
Smoothing geometry of surface
¥Surface geometry smoothing can also be done with SurfSmooth
HThe difficulty in geometry smoothing is in preventing the surface from shrinking in size.
HSurfSmooth uses the smoothing algorithm by (Taubin G. 2000)
¥Demo (close SUMA and AFNI)
HExecute: source run_SurfSmooth_geom
åThe script will add noise to the smoothwm surface, then filter it
åSUMA is then launched and the script waits for you to setup
íTurn off background colors (ÔbÕ)
íSwitch to noisy surface (Ô.Õ)
íTurn recorder ON
åHit enter twice (in the shell) to launch the smoothing program
åWatch the smoothing progress with each iteration. You can play the whole sequence at the end.