åThree extra imaging processing filters are provided at
the bottom
¥ [Sharpen] is sometimes useful for deblurring images
å [Reset] sets controls back to what they were when you opened [Disp]
å [Done] closes this control window
H [Save] lets you save images from viewer to disk files
²Warning: Images are saved as
sent to the viewer, not as displayed
åMeans that aspect ratio of saved image may be wrong
(non-square pixels)
åCan fix this with [Define Datamode] Þ [Warp Anat on Demand]
² [Save:bkg] means it will save the background image data itself,
whatever the format it may be in (bytes,
shorts, floats, complex numbers, RGB byte triples)
² [Save:pnm] means it will save the displayed image in PNM
åPPM for color, PGM
for gray-only images
åYou might have to
convert this to some other format
åSee AFNI FAQ #57 for
instructions on image format conversion
² [Sav1:xxx] means it will save the entire Montage in format
åThis is the only way to
save a Montage layout (within AFNI)
å [Save] options will only save single slice images (one or
² [Save.xxx] means it will save the image in the ÒxxxÓ format
å You can
also set this using the hidden right-click popup on the [Save] Button
åFormats depend on
presence of image conversion programs on your system