² [Grid] lets you change spacing of vertical grid lines
å Useful for
showing regular timing interval (e.g., task timing)
å Down [ g ] and Up [ G ] decrease and increase spacing
å [Choose] lets you pick number exactly
å Current
grid spacing is shown below graphs
å [Pin Num] lets you pick the horizontal length of the
¥Default length is number of sub-bricks in dataset
¥Make it longer Þ graphs end before
¥Make it shorter Þ graphs are
¥Useful when switching between datasets of different
¥Set this to 0 to get back to default operation
¥Current number of time points is shown below graphs
å HorZ [ h ] will put in a dashed line at the y = 0
level in sub-graphs
¥Only useful if data range spans negative and positive
² [Slice] lets you change slices
å Down [ z ] and Up [ Z ] move one slice
å Can also
choose slice directly from menu
å Current
voxel indexes are shown below graphs
¥Corresponds to [Voxel Coords?] Display in AFNI controller