²After you press [Save], then it asks for a filename prefix
²Except for [Sav1.xxx], it then asks for ÔfromÕ and ÔtoÕ slice indexes
å You can save many images this way
å Filenames are like are like prefix.0037.ppm, for slice #37, ppm format
å [Sav1.xxx] immediately saves its one file after prefix is entered
H [Mont] lets you display a rectangular layout of images (i.e., montage)
²Pops up its own little control window
åControls at top do nothing until an action is selected at bottom
² [Across] and [Down] determine number of sub-images shown
² [Spacing] determines how far apart the selected slices are
åEvery nth slice, for n = 1, 2, É
åMultiple crosshairs in other image viewers will show montage slices
² [Border] lets you put some blank pixels between sub-images
å [Color] lets you choose the color of the border pixels
²At the bottom, the action controls cause something to happen:
å [Quit] closes the Montage control window
å [1x1] changes Across and Down back to 1
å [Draw] actually causes the montage to be drawn
å [Set] ó [Draw] then [Quit]