HRender Dataset: Volume
rendering with functional overlays
Range of values to render
Histogram of values in underlay dataset
Maximum voxel opacity
Menu to control
scripting (control rendering from
a file)
Render new image immediately when a control is changed
Accumulate a history of rendered images (can
later save to an animation)
Open color overlay controls
Sub-brick to display
Name of underlay dataset
Pick new underlay dataset
Range of values in underlay
Change mapping from values in dataset to brightness in image
Mapping from values to opacity
Cutout parts of 3D volume
Control viewing angles
Detailed instructions
Force a new image to be rendered
Reload values from the dataset
Close all rendering windows
Being close to your FMRI
data doesnŐt get any better than this!
Show 2D crosshairs
Compute many images in a row