¥Batch mode programs are run
by typing commands directly to the computer, or by putting these
commands into text files (scripts) and later executing them
¥Advantages of batch mode
(over graphical user interface)
HCan process new
datasets exactly the same way as previous ones
HCan link together a
series of programs to produce custom results
HPrograms that take a
long time to operate are easier to Ôfire and forgetÕ from a script than if they had a
HItÕs easier to write
a batch mode program
¥Disadvantages of batch
HRequires typing,
rather than pointing-and-clicking
learning/remembering how a program works all at once, rather than (re)discovering it through
a kinder gentler interface
HMany younger (born
after 1970) researchers have virtually no experience with a command line interface,
or anything like it
¥Many significant AFNI
capabilities are only available in batch mode programs
HThis is especially
true of functions that combine data from multiple datasets to produce new datasets