Data in this ppt presentation comes from AFNI_sample_05/afni anat+orig.HEAD anat+orig.BRIK Students will be creating the +acpc and +tlrc datasets, both .HEAD and .BRIK also need a functional dataset in here so they can resample the func data to tlrc coordinates. We have this, just have to put it in AFNI_data1/afni/ and maybe rename it 'func+orig' ----------------------------------------------------------------- June 3, 2004: ppt presentation still incomplete, but almost done - Peg June 7, 2004: ppt presentation done; Rich (secondary) must edit it - Peg June 24,2004: Edits are being made - Peg June 30,2004: Edits completed. Final ppt ready to go. Converted ppt presentation to pdf format - Peg July 07,2004: Increased font size of presentation. Re-saved ppt and pdf files with new changes. Good to go for class -Peg Augustus 05, 2004: Modified .ppt to introduce Talamatic business. Animated gifs are critical (sorry) for the presentation - Ziad. Augustus 26, 2005: Took .ppt file and made a .pdf and .htm version too - Peg