¥You can perform a TLRC transform automatically using the
@auto_tlrc script
¥Differences from Manual
-Instead of setting ac-pc landmarks and volume boundaries
by hand, the anatomical volume is warped (using 12 parameter affine transform)
to a template
volume in TLRC space.
-Not quite the transform that Jean Talairach and Pierre
Tournoux specified. (But every body still calls it Talairach!)
-AC center no longer at 0,0,0 and size of brain box is
that of the template you use.
-For reasons that should not be mentioned in polite
company, the various templates adopted by the neuroimaging community are
not of the same size. Be mindful when using various atlases.
-Can choose from various templates for reference but be
consistent in your group analysis.
-Available templates: N27, icbm452, mni152.
-Easy, automatic, never needs charging. Just check final
results to make sure nothing went seriously awry. AFNI is perfect but your
data is not.