Group Analysis with AFNI - Hands On |
"Data Collected:" |
"PART I Þ Process Data..." |
"STEP 1:" |
"Subject EDŐs newly created time..." |
"STEP 2:" |
"Result from 3dmerge:" |
"STEP 3:" |
"For example:" |
"Solution:" |
"Subject 1 -- Stimulus (..." |
"STEP 3A:" |
"Now letŐs take those 10..." |
"STEP 3B:" |
"The end result will be..." |
"STEP 3C:" |
"E.g., Timepoint #..." |
"STEP 4:" |
"STEP 5:" |
"3dDeconvolve -input ED_all..." |
"-iresp 1 TMirf" |
"Focusing on a single voxel..." |
"To run an ANOVA," |
"Before averaging the values in..." |
"If the mean is computed..." |
"STEP 5:" |
"The output from 3dTstat will..." |
"STEP 6:" |
"PART 2 Þ" |
"3dANOVA2 -type 3 -..." |
"-acontr" |
"Explanation of 3dANOVA2 options:" |
"-amean:" |
"In class -- LetŐs run..." |
"Brain areas corresponding to Ň..." |
"-acontr:" |
"Brain areas corresponding to Ň..." |
"-fa:" |
"Many thanks to Mike Beauchamp..." |