¥PART I Þ Process Data for each Subject First:
GHands-on example: Subject ED
GWe will begin with EDÕs anat dataset and 10 time-series (3D+time) datasets:
åEDspgr+orig, EDspgr+tlrc, ED_r1+orig, ED_r2+orig É ED_r10+orig
åBelow is EDÕs ED_r1+orig (3D+time) dataset.  Notice the first two time points of the time series have relatively high intensity*.  We will need to remove them later:
Timepoints 0 and 1 have high intensity values
V Images obtained during the first 4-6 seconds of scanning will have much larger intensities than images in the rest of the timeseries, when magnetization (and therefore intensity) has decreased to its steady state value