¥ STEP 2: Smooth 3D+time datasets with AFNI 3dmerge
GThe result of spatial blurring (filtering) is somewhat cleaner, more contiguous activation blobs
GSpatial blurring will be done on EDÕs time shifted, volume registered datasets:

åforeach run (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
å3dmerge -1blur_rms 4         \
å  -doall          \
å  -prefix ED_r{$run}_vr_bl   \
å  ED_r{$run}_vr+orig

å-1blur_rms 4 sets the Gaussian filter to have a root mean square deviation of 4mm (You decide the width of the filter)
å-doall applies the editing option (in this case the Gaussian filter) to all sub-bricks uniformly in each dataset