•Goal: to design an effective random stimulus
→end result will be stimulus timing files
→example: using an event related design, with simple
regression to analyze
→0. given:
experimental parameters (stimuli, # presentations, # TRs, etc.)
→1. create random
stimulus functions (one for each stimulus type)
→2. create ideal
reference functions (for each stimulus type)
→3. evaluate the
stimulus timing design
•Step 0: the (made-up) parameters from HowTo 03 are:
→ 3 stimulus types
(the classic experiment: "houses, faces and donuts")
→presentation order is randomized
→TR = 1 sec, total number of TRs = 300
→number of presentations for each stimulus type = 50
(leaving 150 for fixation)
•fixation time should be
30% ~ 50% total scanning time
→3 contrasts of interest: each pair-wise comparison
→refer to directory: AFNI_data1/ht03