Surface-Based Cross-Subject Analysis

Geometry and Topology
Geometry: Spatial location
X,Y,Z coordinates of brain structures
Topology: Spatial connectivity
Relative positions of brain structures along the surface

Group analysis
Group analysis requires data defined over a domain common to all subjects
Talairach space for volume-based analysis
+ Small amount of geometric distortion
No respect for topology of activation
Spherical coordinate system for surface-based analysis
+ Preserves the topology of activation
Considerable geometric distortion
Preserving the topology of activation is Good in general and crucial for
High-resolution Mapping

Surface domain
Spherical Warping
Mapping data
Our twist
Compare surfaces
Standard meshes for 6 subjects
Slide 10
SUMA demo
cd std_meshes
suma Ðspec All_lh_ld141.spec &
Open multiple viewers (ctrl+n)
Lock all viewers together (ctrl+u, Lock All v)
Turn off background (ÔbÕ)
Switch each viewer to a different state
surfaces from different subjects are assigned different states
This is a workaround lacking style. Will fix it later.
Click in one view and watch the cross hair jump to corresponding locations in other views
Anatomical location should match, within the warping tolerance
Load the color file lh_ld141_smoothcol2.1D.col (ctrl+c)
This is the color file used to create the figures on the previous slides

Greatly simplifies:
cross-subject analysis in the surface domain
data exchange between groups using the same/similar templates
data management and mapping from atlases (within/across species)
What templates to use then?
function based
sulcal patterns
automated segmentation

Creating standard-mesh surfaces
Required Data:
Original Surface models
Warped Spherical surface
Spec file of the surfaces above (i.e. lh.spec)
Creating the standard-mesh versions of the original surfaces
MapIcosahedron -spec lh.spec \      Written by Brenna Argall
-ld 141 \
-prefix ld141
-spec SpecFile: option specifying spec file with original surfaces
-ld    n  : number of subdivisions for each edge of the icosahedron.
  Nv = 2 + 10n2 (198812 vertices)
  Nt = 20n2 (397620 triangles)
  Ne = 30n2 (596430 edges)
-prefix: prefix assigned to standard mesh surfaces

Creating standard-mesh surfaces
The whole process takes 6 minutes on a 1.2 Ghz computer running linux
You can compare original and standard surfaces using:
create a spec file containing both original and standard-mesh surfaces.
open two views, one showing original surface and one showing standard-mesh surfaces
link viewers by coordinates (not by node index) from the SUMA controller (ctrl+u)
CompareSurfaces Written by Shruti Japee
 a program that calculates the distance from each node on surface 1 along its normal to surface 2
a program that calculates metrics of the mesh like edge lengths, triangle areas, curvature, etc.

Mapping data
Mapping Options
Surface/volume Intersection

Mapping options
Surface/volume Intersection
One voxel per node

Mapping data: Volume ˆ Surface
Use 3dVol2Surf to map individual subject data onto each surface
Example: Mapping functional data onto surface, with thresholding
3dVol2Surf -spec lh.spec \
-sv SurfVol_AlndExp+orig \
-grid_parent DataVol+orig \
-cmask '-a DataVol+orig[3] -expr step(a-72)'  \
  -map_func ave \
-oom_value -999.9 \
-out_1D DataSurf.1D.dset
Written by Rick Reynolds
-spec: SUMA spec file containing surface(s) to be used in mapping. 3dVol2Surf uses one or two surfaces for the mapping. Surfaces must have MappingRef = SAME
-sv: Surface Volume used to align surface to data
-grid_parent: AFNI volume containing data to be mapped. DataVol contains 4 sub-bricks with the last one being the threshold.
-cmask: Option for masking data in DataVol. Threshold value was 72
-map_func: Method for handling multiple voxel to one node mapping
-oom_value -999.9 : Assign -999.9 to nodes that fall in inactivated voxels
-out_1D: Output file
Use Ðhelp option for detailed help (~500 lines)

1D files as data sets
Most 3dSomething command line programs can read 1D instead of volumetric data
 The "spatial" direction is down the columns (vertical).
 The default is that across the rows (horizontal) is a "bucket" dimension.
The new environment variable AFNI_1D_TIME, if set to YES, will cause the horizontal direction to be the time axis (with TR=1).
This makes it possible to input .1D files to programs that process 3D+time datasets
Some files need to be transposed first -- so that the time axis is horizontal rather than vertical. For example, assume fred.1D is a time series stored in a column vector.
     1dtranspose fred.1D  fred_q.1D
     3dFourier -prefix fred_filt_q -highpass 0.1 -retrend fred_q.1D
     1dtranspose fred_filt_q.1D   fred_filt.1D
     rm -f fred_q.1D fred_file_q.1D

Sample output, the 1D format
# --------------------------------------------------
# surface 'lh_mappedSmWm.asc', 'ave' :
#    node     1dindex    i    j    k     vals       v0
#   ------    -------   ---  ---  ---    ----    --------
         3      31978    42   51    7       2   -18.80515
        64      30633    41   30    7       1    13.49998
      7255      43375    47   37   10       2    11.25401
      7256      43375    47   37   10       1    11.70573
      7257      43375    47   37   10       2    11.25401
      7317      39144    40   35    9       2    14.67585
      7318      39145    41   35    9       2    17.08102
      7358      47406    46   36   11       1    15.62297
      7359      47406    46   36   11       1    15.62297
      7435      30633    41   30    7       1    13.49998
(I omitted from the table above all nodes that had no values mapped to them. Such nodes will have v0 = -999.9 )
Node: Surface node index
1dindex: AFNI 1D Index of voxel mapped to node. In cases where multiple voxels contribute to 1 node, the first voxel is listed
i, j, k: AFNI indices of voxel mapped to node (3D version of 1dindex)
vals: Number of voxels mapped to node
v0: Value mapped to node. Here we mapped values from one sub-brick. If you map N sub-bricks you'll have v0 .. vN-1 columns.

Colorizing the mapping (the olde way)
At first you had to colorize a data set before viewing it in SUMA.
Now that is done interactively from SUMAÕs ÔSurface ControllerÕ.
ScaleToMap is used to show the mapped data in SUMA
ScaleToMap -input DataSurf.1D.dset 0 6 \
-cmap RGYBR20 \
-msk -998 -1000 \
> DataSurf.1D.col
-input DataFile icol vcol: Node data file followed by column indices for node index and data
-cmap MapType: Type of colormap
-msk msk0 msk1: Range of values to exclude from color map
> DataSurf.1D.col : redirection of output to file (screen is the default). Output contains 4 columns: node index, R, G, B
DataSurf.1D.col can be loaded into SUMA using 'c' option
# index R G B
3 0.000 0.862127 0.137873
64 1.000000 0.800135 0.000000
7255 1.000000 0.943492 0.000000

A simple cross-subject analysis
Calculate the mean value at each node from 3 subjects:
1deval -a 'DataSurf_s1.1D.dset[6]' \
-b 'DataSurf_s2.1D.dset[6]' \
-c 'DataSurf_s3.1D.dset[6]' \
-expr '(a + b + c) / 3' \
-index 'DataSurf_s1.1D.dset[0]' \
> DataSurf_mean.1D.dset
1deval works much like 3dcalc but with 1D files
-index option allows the addition of an index column (node indices) to the output.
DataSurf_mean.1D.dset will contain 2 columns: node index and mean value
Appreciate why we forced an output for all node indices
Things to be careful about:
1D files do not explicitly encode domain information
Up to you to make sure that the i th entry in all 1D files corresponds to the same node.
You must have the same number of values in all files

Things to lose some sleep over
When mapping data from volume to surface domains
If mapping assigns multiple voxels to one node
How do you deal with functional data sets?
Do you average statistics?
Do you apply a threshold before or after averaging?
What if some of the voxels are active and some are not?
These problems are best avoided by:
Mapping the time series data onto the surface
Performing statistical analysis directly in the surface domain using  3dSomething AFNI programs
When combining surface data across subjects
Same concerns as with volumetric group analysis
You can also create volumetric data from surface-based data
use 3dSurf2Vol, the reciprocal of 3dVol2Surf

Artifacts with standard meshes
At times, there are localized distortions between the standard-mesh surface and the original surface.
So far, these have all been caused by topological errors in the original spherical surfaces.
SurfQual was written to highlight these errors
if causing distortions, errors must be fixed with the program used to generate them.
These topological errors can be ignored if they do not cause any visible distortions in the standard-mesh surfaces.