"Actions" experiment is a BLOCK DESIGN study. Factor: Stimulus Condition - 4 levels: 1. Human Actions (i.e., people doing jumping jacks, going up stairs...) 2. Tools (i.e., tools hammering, sawing...) 3. High Contrast Grating (moving spiral colored white and black) 4. Low Contrast Grating (moving sprial colored light gray & dark gray) Anatomical Data (SPGR): 124 sagittal slices 256x256, FOV: 240 Thickness: 1.2 mm Slice Offset: First-70.0 mm Left, Last-77.6 mm Right Time Series Data (EPI): 2970 images (27 sagittal slices, 110 reps) Matrix: 64, FOV: 240 TR = 2.5 seconds Thickness 5.0 mm Slice Offset: First-69.0 mm Right, Last 61.0 mm Left Need more info: Go to the following AFNI website links: http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/latest/afni02_to3d/ (above handout on to3d uses the "Actions" study as an example) http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/doc/howto/2 (AFNI tutorial "how-to#2: Linear regression with 3dDeconvolve uses the "Actions" study as a sample experiment)